There’s a lot happening!

Our Ministries


As of the end of 2022, we support 49 missionaries in countries all over the world, through the Faith Promise Giving of our people here at New Testament Baptist Church. We love missions and missionaries. We have an annual Mission's Conference bringing in 4 missionary families each year to present their work. We also have missionaries that come throughout the year.

Sunday school

No matter what age group you may fall in, we have a place for you to learn about God's Word, and we will teach you how you can live a life that is pleasing to Him. Sunday School takes place every Sunday at 10:00 A.M.

Master Clubs

Your children K3-6th grade have the opportunity to be evangelized, discipled toward spiritual growth, taught and trained to serve Jesus Christ, and provided with multiple opportunities to minister in our local church. This all begins at 7:00 P.M. every Wednesday night in our Master Clubs program during the school year. All material is age-appropriate and exciting to learn. Each child also has the opportunity to earn many badges and other awards throughout the year.

Music Ministry

Our desire is that all music will bring honor to our great God, while not being a distraction from the preaching of God's Word. Our choir usually sings 2 songs during each service. We are blessed to have great, God-honoring special music provided by church staff and choir members. We also have a Children's Choir that practices during Adult Choir practice times, and they are given opportunities to sing during our church services throughout the year.

Bible Institute

Our mission at New Testament Baptist Church and Bible Institute is to energetically pursue God through His precious Word.  It is only as believers grow and change to be more like Jesus Christ that they can ever hope to accomplish anything for God. Our purpose is to train believers to be coworkers in the work of God by preparing them to serve the Lord as laymen, deacons, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, or for whatever task the Lord has called you. Because of the evil day we live in, it is vitally important to efficiently equip every man and woman possible to serve God as He directs them through His Word and Holy Spirit. New Testament Baptist Bible Institute will instruct its students to:

Hide His Word in their hearts

Implement His Word in their lives

Live His Word in their families

Magnify His Word in their communities